
What Is K2 Incense

What Is K2 Incense

K2 Incense is a blend of botanicals and other herbs that are combined together with other ingredients such as canavalia rosea, nelumbo nucifera, clematis vitalba and other fragrant plants. All of these ingredients are put together to create an aromatic incense that many times is used in meditation practices or as a means to calm the spirit. Six variations of the incense are available, and each of them contains different blends of the ingredients.
Used for smoking and for burning, K2 incense is very popular because the special blend of ingredients release a unique and fragrant smoke. K2 is popular for use in religious ceremonies, aromatherapy, ritual purification, meditation, medicine, and simply masking bad odors. Ancient Egyptians used incense as a way to purify the spirit and they burned the resin of aromatic trees in order to obtain the therapeutic effects of the smells.
There is also a smoking blend of K2 that anti-drug warriors say is sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids that are claimed to mimic the effects of marijuana. It is produced in China, Korea and Japan and is sometimes used by experimenters for the supposed high. There are poorly researched attacks being made on this so-called scourge that are reminiscent of the Reefer Madness of the 1930s. It is time for cooler heads to prevail, and best place to start is with the facts.
The first K2 incense was made as a standard incense that contains the fewest ingredients of current K2 formulas. This is because it was originally made to put out a more natural and earthy fragrance. This is ideal for meditation purposes as it leaves a lingering scent in the air.
The second kind K2 incense is the K2 Citron, which is blended with the original K2 botanicals and herbal ingredients but it has additional proprietary ingredients and natural citrus extracts. The citrus in this K2 can be highly mouthwatering and is not necessarily the best for meditation purposes but is great for home or office use.
The third K2 blend is called the K2 blonde incense and was created specifically with women in mind. The reason for this is that different ingredients are blended together to produce a delightfully potent vanilla scent with just a touch of nutmeg. This K2 is very popular among women and smells delightful when burned.
The fourth K2 blend is fairly new on the scene. It was inspired by the popular blonde blend and offers a mouthwatering strawberry fragrance that is pleasing to the palate and not overpowering, yet still stimulating to the senses.
The fifth blend of K2 is by far the most popular and highly used. The K2 summit incense was created for the maximum demographic exposure, that is, the greatest number of potential users. Blending extracts of rose and bay bean to the mixture creates a potent aromatic scent that has become more popular than expected.
The sixth smoke blend of the K2 family is called the K2 squared. Initially it was called K2 ultra incense and is known for being the natural evolution of the K2 botanicals. This blend has become one of the most potent of all the K2 blends and is sure to surpass the K2 summit in popularity for its potent aromatic arrangement.
The fact of the matter is that there is no need for expensive botanical replacements for marijuana when the latter is so available, and is less expensive by weight. The main reason young people and other experimenter types try smoking K2 is because it is new and different. There have been a few newspaper reports of teens passing out or getting flustered, flushed and nauseated from K2 incense, but there have been no serious injuries or lingering effects.
There will always be people willing to test the bounds of the law, cultural mores and other social conventions. Instead of sensationalizing the situation, and spreading misinformation for political, religious and moral reasons, medical professionals and scientists should provide facts about K2. Like many passing fancies and alternative pharmaceuticals, the K2 fad is already showing signs of fading away. Why bother with something that is similar to marijuana when the marijuana is so easily available?
K2 has a nice fragrance. It is probably not the best idea to smoke it for a high, and there are no good clinical studies in circulation. Drug warriors should remember that overreactions and falsehoods about mind-altering substances always backfire, and there is no substitute for facts. You are entitled to your own opinion about K2 and its proper use, but no one is entitled to his own facts.

